Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Can we control attrition rate at minimum level?

ATTRITION: This is a debatable topic in itself. Many hours of discussions have gone into this topic, just to understand why employees leave a company and what companies should do to control attrition. Let us admit that attrition can not be stopped. No matter what the company does or how best the company is, employees will leave (exception, Google for obvious reasons).

So companies come up with innovative approaches to put a plug to perennial problem. Some approaches include providing better remuneration (salary for those who talk straight), to provide better facilities and benefits, to provide out-of-this-world working environment, etc. etc. Some employers provide one of these facilities while some provide more than one, depending upon the levels.

But recently, I have noticed a "really innovative" yet draconian way to curb attrition - DO NOT ALLOW EMPLOYEES TO VISIT JOB SITES!! This crude approach is being followed by none other than one of the respectable MNC companies - Capgemini!!! Yes, Capgemini India is following this strange (they call it strict) policy to stop employees from accessing any job sites when they are on Capgemini network. 

Did we say we are in a democratic atmosphere??? 
Or does this mean that the company is too worried about tons of employees leaving them every quarter?? 
God only knows... :)
Capgemini's draconian ways to control attrition